Setting up a Code-access Group

This section describes how to set up a code-access group on iLOQ 5 Series Manager.

Proceed as follows.

  1. Select Administration > Edit locking system information > Settings.
  2. Enable settings:
    • Key PIN Codes in Use
    • Code Access Groups in use
  3. Select Save and Close.
  4. Select Administration > Browse users.
  5. Right-click the desired user to select Edit Usage Rights.
  6. When you edit the user's usage rights in the wizard, assign them the Right to manage code-access groups.
  7. Select Administration > Browse Programming Keys and ensure that the rights have been assigned for the user, under the programming key as well.
  8. Log out and login to refresh user interface controls.
  9. Select Administration > Browse network modules.
  10. Right-click the desired network module to select Edit relay settings.
  11. Select Calendar Controllable for the doors, which you want to control through codes.
  12. Select Save and Close.
  13. Select Additional data > Calendars.
  14. Right-click to select Add > Add door-control calendar.
  15. Name the calendar in the Calendar name field, for example Entrance Door - Code Access 24H.
  16. Select Additional data > Manage code-access groups.
  17. Right click to select Add.

    The Adding of code-access group wizard is opened.

  18. Select Add code-access group.
  19. Name the group.
  20. Enter a description for the group.
  21. Enter an access code.
  22. Select Additional data > Calendars.
  23. Right-click the desired calendar to select Edit calendar controls.
  24. Right-click the schedule to select Add control.
  25. Select the Control begins and Control ends times, and select Create control sequence and Control only by selected code-Access Groups check boxes.
  26. Press the Select button next to the Selected code-access groups area to select the desired groups.
  27. Select Additional data > Calendar controlled doors.
  28. Right-click the desired door to select Edit calendar attachments.
  29. Select Attach calendars to door.
  30. Select a calendar.
  31. Wait for one to five minutes for the synchronization to complete, and test the functionality.