Browsing the Audit Trail of One Lock

This section describes how to browse audit trails from one lock, on iLOQ 5 Series Manager.

Proceed as follows.

  1. Select Basic data > Browse locks.

  2. Double-click the desired lock.
  3. Open the Audit trail events tab.

    The audit trail columns are:

    • Lock counter — This column contains a unique, cumulative event number.

    • Transit date — This column contains either:

      • The time stamp when the logged event was transferred to the server, if the lock is not equipped with a clock.

      • The time stamp for the access, if the lock is equipped with a clock.

    • Key — This column contains the name of the key related to the audit trail entry.

    • Stamp — This column contains the label of the key related to the audit trail entry.

    • Key type — This column contains the key type that was used in the lock.

    • Person — This column contains the person attached to the key related to the audit trail entry.

    • Type — This column contains the event type, such as key access, key access forbidden, programming of a lock, and so on.

    • Confirmation — This column contains the reply that the user has given from the Phone app, to open/close the lock. The reply can be:

      • Lock opening confirmed by the keyholder
      • Lock closing confirmed by the keyholder
      • Lock opening / closing confirmation missing from the keyholder
      • Lock opening / closing was not confirmed by the keyholder
    • Information — This column contains a description of the event or error.

    • Error code — The error code related to the audit trail entry.

    • Location (latitude, longitude) — The location coordinates.

    • Location accuracy (m) — The location accuracy in meters.

    • Location timestamp — The date and time when the location was measured.

    • API Key Tag — This field is dedicated for cases, where lock accesses must be associated with, for example, service tickets, in another information system.