Adding Keys to Locks
This section describes how to add keys to the selected locks on iLOQ 5 Series Manager.
When you add keys to locks, you typically add, for example, several apartment-specific or office-specific keys for a large number of locks at the deployment phase. Do not use this feature for adding single keys. This feature only works if the locks have an individual access right defined. See Adding Individual Access Rights to Locks.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
- Select the locks that you want to create the keys for.
- Right-click one of the selected locks.
- Select Create keys for locks.
Select Add keys to locks.
The Adding keys to locks wizard is opened.
- Select Add keys to locks.
Select the access rights for the key.
Individual, lock-specific access rights will be automatically set. Do not select individual access rights.
- Click Next.
- Select Define key time restrictions.
Define the key validity and time profiles.
The options are:
Key time zone — Select the time zone for the key, if multiple time zones are used in the system.
Start date — This value defines the start date and time for key validity, that is, the key starts to operate on this time.
End date — This value defines the end date and time for key validity, that is, the key stops to operate on this time.
Automatic renewal of end date in use — See Enabling Automatic End date Renewal for S5 Keys and S50 Key fobs.
Key expiry interval — You can set a key expiry interval for the key. The key expiry interval is a security feature that requires the user to refresh keys from the server at regular intervals to ensure that the access rights are always up to date.
If a system default key expiry interval is defined, it is suggested for the key. You can define a key-specific expiry interval by editing the suggested time.
Applicable for S50 Key Fob and Phone key only.
Time profiles not in use — If you select this radio button, the key does not use any time profiles.
Select time profiles for the key — If you select this radio button, the key uses time profiles.
Select the desired time profiles in the list on the left.
You can manage the selection of time profiles with the arrow buttons as follows:
— Click the Arrows right button to move all items to the list.
— Click the Arrow right button to move the selected item(s) to the list.
— Click the Arrow left button to remove the selected item(s) from the list.
— Click the Arrows left button to remove all items from the list.
If you have selected:
A fixed time profile, you can view its content in the area on the right.
An editable time profile, you can view and edit its content for this specific key, in the area on the right.
- Click Next.
- The number of keys to be created for each selected lock, in the Keys to create per lock drop-down menu.
- Select the key type.
- The naming scheme for the keys to be created, in the Naming of keys to create according to drop-down menu.
- If necessary, type in an extension that will be added for the created key names, in the Extension to be added to the name field.
- Click Next.
Select how to proceed.
The options are:
- Leave key in planning state — Select Leave keys in planning state if you want to leave the key in the planning state, and continue planning the locking system without, for example, programming any physical keys.
- Order key — Keys must be ordered, before they can be programmed. Ordering creates a programming task for the key, for later programming.
- Order and program key — Select Order and program key to order a programming task, and to program the key at once.
- Order, program and hand over key — Select Order, program and hand over key to order a programming task, and to program the key, and to hand over the key to a person, at once.
- Click Next.
- A summary window is displayed.
- Follow the wizard to end the procedure.