Editing the Key Time Limitations
This section describes how to edit key time limitations on iLOQ Manager.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse keys.
- Select the desired key.
Right-click to select Edit time limits.
The Edit key time profiles wizard is opened.
- Select Edit key time profiles.
Define the key validity and time profiles.
The options are:
Start date — This value defines the start date and time for key validity, that is, the key starts to operate on this time.
End date — This value defines the end date and time for key validity, that is, the key stops to operate on this time.
Offline expiration time — The options are:
In use — Is Offline expiration time in use or not.
days / hours / minutes
In the case of a Key Fob:
By default, a Key Fob is an offline device. In that regard, the offline expiration time is the validity time of the Key Fob.
However, when a Key Fob obtains a server connection, the offline expiration time is reset. A Key Fob obtains a server connection remotely over-the-air by using the iLOQ FobApp application.
In the case of a Phone Key:
When the phone loses connection to the mobile phone network, the offline expiration time starts to elapse. When this time has elapsed, the phone key is invalidated.
Time profiles not in use — If you select this radio button, the key does not use any time profiles.
Select time profiles for the key — If you select this radio button, the key uses time profiles.
Select the desired time profile in the list on the left.
You can manage the selection of time profiles with the arrow buttons as follows:
— Click the Arrows right button to move all items to the selection list.
— Click the Arrow right button to move the selected item(s) to the selection list.
— Click the Arrow left button to remove the selected item(s) from the selection list.
— Click the Arrows left button to remove all items from the selection list.
If you have selected:
A fixed time profile, you can view its content in the area to the right.
An editable time profile, you can view and edit its content for this specific key, in the area to the right.
- Select Next.
Select how to proceed:
For the Phone Key type:
Leave keys in planning state — Select Leave keys in planning state if you want to leave the key in the planning state, and program the key later.
Send keys — Select Send keys if you want to send the programming task to the phone.
For the Key Fob key type:
Leave key in planning state — Select Leave key in planning state if you want to leave the key in the planning state, and program the key later.
Order key — Select Order key if you want to create the programming task, but execute it later, or remotely program the key through a phone.
Order, program and handover key — Select Order, program and handover key if you want to create the programming task, execute it at once for a key at hand, and handover the key.
- Select Next.
- A summary screen is shown.
- Follow the wizard to end the procedure.