This section describes how to finalize the bus device configuration on the Net
Make sure that you have:
Proceed as follows.
Switch the Net Bridge MODE switch to SETUP.
Ensure that the Net Bridge
switch is ON.
Wait for three seconds.
Switch the Net Bridge MODE switch to OPERATING.
An internal test procedure is started.
Observe the green FUNC led for approximately one minute until the Net Bridge
has saved the bus configuration. Check that:
- The green FUNC led blinks as many times as there are devices on the
main bus.
- After a pause, the green FUNC led blinks as many times as there are
devices on the reader buses.
- After a pause, the green FUNC led blinks as many times as there are lock
cylinders connected on Door Modules.
Saving the bus configuration ends when the FUNC led is constantly illuminated
The procedure ends when constant green FUNC, RS-485 STATUS, SYSTEM STATUS,
and SERVER CONN. leds are illuminated.
Check that the Door Module POWER, DEVICE, BRIDGE and SERVER leds are
illuminated green in all door modules.
Check also that the topmost led is illuminated green on all Programming
Deployment may require additional configuration on S10 Manager according to the
Quick Guides.