Energienetze Bayern GmbH & Co. KG
Fulfilling high security and access management requirements
The requirements of gas network operators are among the highest in the area of critical infrastructure. Energienetze Bayern GmbH & Co. KG opted for iLOQ S50 as the optimal access management system.
Security and flexibility from iLOQ’s digital access management
Within the critical infrastructure sector, secure access management is a must. A battery-free digital system – with remote access management – makes a real difference to the ease and costs of day-to-day operations.
The highest security and access management requirements
Access management at Energienetze Bayern GmbH & Co. KG had become very complex, costly, and time-consuming over the years. Realizing the need for secure and more flexible access management, Energienetze Bayern GmbH & Co. KG carried out intensive research and tested several different locking systems. iLOQ S50 emerged as the only solution that could meet their high requirements.
Meeting the requirements of a gas network operator
Converting the mechanical locks in over 2,000 Energienetze Bayern GmbH & Co. KG plants across a 20,000 km² area is no small feat. It is estimated that this project will take almost 4 years. 3,300 iLOQ S50 cylinders have been installed so far and 500 key fobs taken into use. By the end of 2022, when the transition is complete, the numbers are likely to skyrocket even more.