Digital locking and integrated access control in the same platform
FOMO is a world-class co-working space in Norway’s largest business area that features a wide range of business and leisure services. According to their website, as well as offering unconventional meeting spaces and inspiring design, they also provide leading-edge technology.
When it came to installing a locking system for the premises, Daniel Harvei Sandvold, Property Manager of real estate company Factory 21, who takes care of everything related to building plans and construction developments at FOMO, admitted:
“For me, as a non-locksmith, it was difficult to choose a locking system. I did not know exactly what I wanted, but I knew how it should be.”
The challenges were that the premises are occupied by both short-term and long-term tenants. Some have low security needs while others have demands for higher security. Companies frequently change, and people come and go all the time.
FOMO found the ideal solution with iLOQ S5 which features a digital locking system with integrated access control in the same platform. With expert support from the Stavanger-based Låssenteret, the battery-free system was quickly and easily designed and installed in 2019 at the same time as the first tenants moved into the space.
Keys are easily programmed for new tenants and updated or reprogrammed as needs or users change. Lost or stolen keys are easily cancelled from the system. Online readers were installed at the main entrance and in some offices which required higher levels of security. iLOQ S5 keys with a PIN code can be used with the readers.
iLOQ S5’s device-to-device communication was a major benefit of the system. Each time a key is used, a huge amount of data is remotely updated to the key and shared between all the other keys, locks and readers in the building. Data such as access rights, a list of blocked keys and time limitations ensures the system is kept up to date and security levels remain high.
Another unique feature was that the digital key has RFID functionality. This means that it not only opens the right doors, but it can also be used to print or copy documents from the common printer, and even buy coffee from FOMO’s food court.
iLOQ S5 is part of the iLOQ 5 Series access management platform meaning that locking cylinders opened using NFC-enabled mobile phones can also be added to the system making it not only battery-free, but also key-free.
“There is always a little ‘fear’ when choosing a new system. We have to ensure that it works well for our tenants, and it can get expensive if it doesn’t. We have been very pleased with the choice and the follow-up,” Daniel states.
iLOQ’s solution is an entirely future-proof concept. So far, 400 iLOQ S5 digital locking cylinders, more than 850 iLOQ S5 digital keys, 30 online readers have been installed. The plan is to expand the system at the same pace as FOMO’s business expands.