Europrofile cilinder proti paniki, (90/30 mm), SB D5S.700A.SB.90

Europrofile anti-panic cylinder (90/30 mm)

iLOQ S5 cilinder z lastnim napajanjem ustvarja energijo, ki jo potrebuje za delovanje tako, da pretvori kinetično energijo, ki nastane z vstavljanjem ključa v digitalni cilinder, v električno napetost.
Deluje v omrežju D2D in je del digitalnega sistema zaklepanja, ki omogoča enostavne posodobitve dostopnih pravic, časovnih omejitev in blokiranja ključev.
Površinske obdelave: brušeno jeklo

Prednosti & Lastnosti

  • battery-free digital lock cylinder for iLOQ S5 locking system
  • Lock does not need batteries or cables
  • Powerful and secure AES-256 encryption for common lock and key authentication
  • As part of the D2D network, it acts as an information receiver and data sharer
  • Initial programming via PC using the iLOQ P55S.1 programming token connected to the server
  • Length in 5 mm steps up to 100 mm (knob side) available
  • Lock can be set with access areas for lock groups or individual locks
  • Programmable lock opens with a compatible K5S key
  • Blocking list for single lost keys
  • Log memory for openings and opening attempts (timestamps with RTC)
  • Supports time constraints in the form of time profiles (with RTC)
  • Reprogramming with the K5S keys or the P55S.1 programming token
  • Updatable firmware