Editing Phone Key Settings

This section describes how to edit the phone key settings on iLOQ 5 Series Manager.

Proceed as follows.

  1. Select Administration > Edit locking system information.

  2. Select Phone key in the Views area.
  3. The phone key settings screen is opened. The settings are:
    • Default phone key expiration time for new keys — The key expiry interval is a security feature that requires the user to refresh keys from the server at regular intervals. This ensures their phone key (and its access rights) are always up to date. If the user's phone has not been used with the server by the time the interval has expired, their access rights will be invalid and they will need to refresh them. Each time the phone makes contact with the server, the countdown for the key-specific time interval start again.

      If a system default key expiry interval is defined, it is suggested for new keys. You can define a key-specific expiry interval by editing the suggested time when adding keys.

      If this setting is in use, the system suggests a default expiry interval for new Phone keys.

    • S50 lock closing confirmation — S50 lock opening/closing confirmation prompts the keyholder to confirm the action they performed (opening or closing) in the S50 mobile app when operating lock models that require user credentials for both opening and closing. The keyholder’s action is recorded to the audit trail.

    • Automatic delete function for inactive phone keys — To ensure that iLOQ Manager contains only the most up-to-date information about phone keys and to reduce their unnecessary maintenance, a process has been set in place to delete inactive phone keys from the system. After a designated period of time, an automatic phone key deletion process will be initiated.

      If you want to use this setting, select In use.

    • Phone keys will be deleted after they have not been used with the server for a defined period of time — if Automatic delete function for inactive phone keys is in use, define the time after which the phone keys will be deleted, if they have not been used with the server.

    • Automatic phone key deletion after planned return date — To ensure that iLOQ Manager contains only the most up-to-date information about phone keys and to reduce their unnecessary maintenance, a process has been set in place to delete phone keys whose planned return dates have passed from the system. When the phone key's planned return date has passed, an automatic phone key deletion process will be initiated.

  4. Select Save and close.