Network Modules

The iLOQ Network Module enables the remote programming of locks and keys through the Internet. By using the iLOQ Network Module, you do not have to travel immediately to the lock location to program the lock.

The network module polls the server with one-hour intervals, and checks if any changes have been made to the settings, or if there are any lock programming tasks waiting in the queue. If needed, you can carry out programming immediately by inserting one of the locking system keys in the key programming hot spot; in this case, the network module polls the server immediately.

It is also possible to configure the network module in such a way that modifications are sent from the server to the network module immediately. This requires certain measures on the customer network (for example, a firewall protocol). For more information, contact your iLOQ partner.

The figure below depicts the iLOQ Network Module operating principle.

Figure: iLOQ Network Module

iLOQ Network Module

There are three types of network modules: