Clever A/S

Smart locks ensure proper maintenance of the charging infrastructure


Use environment




Energy providers



About the customer

Established in 2009, the company was originally called ChoosEV. It worked to create trial and financing schemes for electric cars and establish a public charging infrastructure in Denmark. In 2012, the company name was changed to Clever and they put the user in the driver’s seat of everything they do. Today, Clever has strong partnerships with the majority of car brands selling electric cars and plug-in hybrids in Denmark. They were the first in the world to introduce unlimited charging on the charging network at a fixed monthly price. And they have helped create e-mobility across borders, connecting Scandinavian cities with future fast-charging stations along the highways. With around 30,000 charging points and 500 charging stations, Clever has the most widespread charging network in Denmark and is the country’s largest EV charging operator.

About the project

Clever was looking to replace their existing locking system which used physical keys. Each time a technical area needed to be opened, the keys needed to be collected from the administration office in Copenhagen and taken to the relevant charging station. This was time-consuming, inefficient, and caused travel-related environmental impact.

The solution

Clever uses the iLOQ S50 smart locking system, which allows access rights to the locks to be remotely sent in real time to iLOQ’s app running on a smartphone. This innovative system makes operations more efficient, as they no longer need a technician to bring a physical key from, say, Copenhagen to the Nykøbing Mors charging station to open the technical area.

How the everyday life of Clever became easier 

Cost-efficient and sustainable

Clever values sustainability. iLOQ’s smart-locking solution is battery-free, keyless and wireless. Access is granted to local technicians remotely and in real time by sending the relevant access rights directly to the iLOQ app running on their smartphone. This helps technicians to quickly respond to faults and avoids long transport times and high costs. The solution is also integrated into Clever’s own platform. So, when a new technician joins the team, they automatically get all the necessary access rights and, when their contract expires, their access rights will be automatically revoked.


With no batteries to be changed, iLOQ’s smart-locking solution is maintenance-free keeping maintenance and operating costs low. The solution also operates reliably even during power cuts.

Weatherproof and secure

iLOQ locks are IP68 certified and can withstand harsh weather conditions making them the best choice for Clever’s outdoor charging stations. The system also offers a high level of security, as iLOQ’s easy-to-use software platform allows the company to manage access rights at different levels, ensuring that only the right people have access to the right places.

Traceability and management

iLOQ provides accurate management and monitoring of access rights. Clever can easily see who has access to which space and when, increasing security and ensuring proper maintenance of the infrastructure.

“iLOQ’s smart-locking system is a reliable, flexible, scalable and cost-effective solution that significantly improves operational efficiency and security.”

Jack Johansen

Project Manager, Clever A/S

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