Hyvinkää high school - Kipinä
Schools and public facilities
Kolding School of Design
iLOQ’s keyless solution ensures fast and efficient access for staff and students
Municipality of Rusko
One key gives access to all municipality premises
Municipality of Utrecht
Versatile and sustainable locking system for all municipality premises
Municipality of Enschede
iLOQ's locking system provides guaranteed security within the municipality
Municipality of Haarlem
iLOQ's solution makes the city of Harleem safer and more efficient
Fierder Onderwijs
One access system for multiple education sites
The parish of Turku and Kaarina
Turku Cathedral enhances access management with iLOQ's locking solution
DierenPark Amersfoort
Modern solutions securing a zoo with a rich history
Tajamar School
Tajamar School renews and expands iLOQ electronic locks
Province of Fryslân