When it comes to sustainability, no company is an island

iLOQ’s sustainability initiative is called 360° of sustainability for a reason. We recognize that being responsible as a company is a great start, but it is not nearly enough. Sustainability is something that the corporate world and society at large needs to work on and achieve together. No company is an island, no one person can save the world alone.
The responsible revolution
We, at iLOQ, started our journey with the idea of a digital locking solution that would revolutionize the world. One of the ground-breaking innovations in digital access management had everything to do with minimizing lifecycle costs and environmental impact at the same time. The concept of energy-harvesting, battery-free digital locks and keys changed the game. We are still committed to leading this responsible revolution today.
But it is not enough that our products and services promote sustainability. We need to also ensure that our own operations are as responsible as our end products. We need to look at the entire journey from R&D to production, assembly, delivery, installation, maintenance and eventually replacement and recycling. This long value chain consists of not just iLOQ, but also a host of partner companies both upstream and downstream. We want to improve sustainability and corporate responsibility across the board.
Looking at the bigger picture
As a company we have done well to incorporate our sustainable way of thinking into our daily operations. Due to our central role in the value chain built around our business, we also take an active role in promoting and improving sustainability throughout our entire supply chain. We see iLOQ as a bigger entity than just the company that goes by that name.
This more holistic way of looking at our business is exactly why we monitor the performance of suppliers and engage with our partners and help create and implement responsible stakeholder practices. We ask all our suppliers to sign a code of conduct agreement committing to sustainable development. We also compensate for all the CO2 emissions resulting from the ground transportation of products and components across the logistics chain.
The tools for driving change
As a born-digital company it was only natural that we developed our own digital tools for monitoring the environmental performance of all the manufacturing units in our supply chain. The new monitoring software is being implemented across the supply chain and can provide us with virtually real-time data on the performance of manufacturing processes in terms of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.
The data we collect is not only for reporting purposes. We have made it clear to all our partners that we are not afraid of giving preferential treatment to members in our value chain that can show improvements in sustainability performance and active reductions in the environmental impact resulting from process emissions. We want to be recognized for driving positive change and providing the incentive to do better.
While most companies operate responsibly based on a defined Code of Conduct, not everyone sets equally high standards for the different suppliers, subcontractors and partners they work with. We are in the position as a company to be influential across the entire value chain around us. We choose to take on that task by setting the bar high.
Through our holistic 360° of Sustainability approach, we are looking to ensure the entire business ecosystem around us performs equally well in terms of responsibility and good corporate citizenship. This is why we require our suppliers to sign our Supplier Code of Conduct agreement as a prerequisite for doing business together. We are proud of the continuous progress taking place across the value chain from manufacturing to our sales partner network.
The right direction – forward together
Sustainability concerns are a universal phenomenon. Society at large recognizes that the time for concentrated actions regarding the environment are needed. In the modern world we live in not consuming or producing is not an option. That’s why we recognize that innovations and strict policies regarding environmental and social performance must be the way forward. We also recognize that no one can do it alone.
Remember – even if you sweep your doorstep every morning, if no-one else on your street does, your street will still be dirty regardless of your efforts. It takes all of us. We win together. We lose together. Let’s choose to win.