Taking over the world

iLOQ’s entire existence is built around the notion that they have what it takes to create a global revolution within the field of access management. For this to become a reality, they must be ready to repeatedly go into the unknown. Such growth requires the courage to take risks.
Marching towards continuous expansion
Over the past six years, ever since Heikki Hiltunen came onboard to drive international expansion as President and CEO, iLOQ has done just that, growing aggressively. Every year, including during the pandemic, they have entered at least two new geographical markets. The latest new countries with an iLOQ presence include entire continents with sales organizations now in place in both USA and Australia.
iLOQ’s revenue has also been on a consistent upward trajectory, with the company exceeding 100 million € in revenue for the first time in 2021. Even through the following years, which have presented many challenges in terms of the global economy, affecting especially the building sector where their clientele is, iLOQ has been able to achieve growth year on year. Heikki’s and Mika’s ambitious plan is to take on the current challenges headfirst and come out on top.
“This kind of growth requires
the courage to take risks.”
We see growth in people
But perhaps even more importantly for their goal of conquering the world, the growth data that iLOQ finds extremely relevant has been the physical growth of their organization. Heikki and Mika now lead a company of 320 people in 16 different countries around the world. In addition to their own personnel, iLOQ’s global expansion benefits from a vast partner network that already consists of more than 1600 resellers globally.
iLOQ has built its competence through partnerships, acquisitions, and recruitment. A strong portion of the new recruits over the past few years have been in R&D, and especially in software development. For Mika and Heikki it is imperative that iLOQ continues to nurture their existing culture of innovation and technological excellence.
Strong roots facilitate branching out
Future innovations at iLOQ will continue to be built on the battery-free heritage established 20 years ago, but continuously incorporating the latest opportunities digitalization presents us with. Mika is enjoying his front row seat to the revolution he foresaw when he started the company. Neither him nor Heikki are known for being happy with following trends in business. They are too busy creating them. They believe in the smart locking revolution because they are the ones making it a reality.