Annual Report 2023

“As an ambitious technology company, we are committed to maintaining and
further building our leadership position within the access management field.”
Heikki Hiltunen, President and CEO, iLOQ

“With the only truly battery-free solution, iLOQ is helping accelerate the USA’s shift from mechanical to mobile smart locking.”
Joni Lampinen, General Manager, USA, iLOQ

“Those who stand still will be left behind. This is why we are committed to growth, development and innovation.”
Thomas Thörewik, Chief Sales Officer, iLOQ

“Thanks to a strong and stable financial foundation, we have been able to adjust and continue to move forward as planned.”
Timo Pirskanen, CFO, iLOQ

“Leading the field in ESGperformance, instead of simply complying with legislation or following trends, requires a continuous commitment.”
Erja Sankari, Executive Vice President and COO, iLOQ

“As we continue to grow and expand internationally,
also the role of HR is becoming more and more important.”
Minna Tuomikoski, Chief Human Resources Officer, iLOQ