From security risk to secure in 8 hours
iLOQ S10 was the quickest and safest solution to the customer’s lost master key.
Hedemora is a municipality based in Dalarna County in central Sweden. The municipality owns the major housing association, AB Hedemorabostäder, that provides a wide range of housing throughout the region.
For several years, Göthes Säkerhet AB, a local company that designs and installs security solutions, has been delivering the iLOQ S10 digital locking system to Hedemora’s various residential properties. Recently, however, the master key to a property that still had a mechanical locking system was lost. In a mechanical locking system, this can be a major security risk and an extremely expensive and time-consuming situation to overcome. It usually means replacing or re-keying locks and changing the keys still in use.
At 09.30, the customer informed Göthes about the problem. Hedemorabostäder took the quick decision to install an iLOQ system, based on earlier good experiences and the fact that they knew it would be the quickest solution to their problem.
Göthes informed the customer that they could deliver an iLOQ S10 system at short notice. Hedemorabostäder started to create an inventory for the doors in the facility.
At 11.00, Hedemorabostäder contacted Göthes with a complete list of doors and access rights.
At 11.15, Göthes Sales/Project Manager, Lars Brandt started planning the locking system using the iLOQ Manager programming software from his home office.
At 12.15, Lars Brandt contacted the Göthes security office in Falun to program the cylinders and keys which were conveniently in stock.
At 13.30, the programmed cylinders and keys were handed over to the installers who immediately went to the Hedemora property, 45 km away, to carry out the installation.
At 17.30, the installers reported that the work had been successfully completed and they were home in Falun.
“I was very relieved that our problem could be solved before the weekend and I’m thankful for the great teamwork with Göthes. One of the reasons that we could change the system so quickly was, of course, that Göthes had a large number of cylinders in stock. The decision to change to iLOQ also prevents this kind of problem from happening again, which made the decision even easier to take.
“For me, personally, it was a good experience and, thanks to the user-friendly administration software, the possibility is open for me as a fairly new user to overview and administrate the locking system,” explains Stina Thörnqvist, Administrator at Hedemorabostäder.
“The combination of the fact that Hedemorabostäder is a well-structured organization, that the iLOQ S10 system is a very flexible solution, and that we have skilled and driven technicians enabled us to change the locking system in this short time,” states Lars Brandt Sales/Project Manager at Göthes Säkerhet.
Solving the security issues with lost or copied keys is just one of the many benefits of choosing iLOQ’s locking systems. The battery- and cable-free solutions reduce lock maintenance and eliminate battery waste. And, with access rights that can be quickly and easily updated as residents change, administration is simplified, and lifecycle costs are minimized.