Gothenburg high school controls its own lock system
Gothenburg high school controls its own lock system
The time had come for upgrading the locking system at the LM Engström high school in Gothenburg. The school’s interest in the iLOQ system was awakened by an article in a trade journal. And that was the system they finally chose.
The old system that had served the Gothenburg school for so long had become worn out and inflexible for the needs of to- day, and it was necessary to replace it with a new one. An ar- ticle in a lock industry trade journal about the iLOQ system caught the eye of janitor and property manager Per-Anders Österberg at the LM Engström high school.
After a couple of initial contacts, the iLOQ system was dem- onstrated at the school and a system was ordered. In January 2010 installation of the system began on the school’s locks. In all the system presently comprises around 70 locks and the plan is that it will be extended in the future.
‘..fitting the lock cylinders presents no problems.’
The school’s head made the decision to purchase the iLOQ system based on Mr Österberg’s proposal. Two factors above all influenced this decision; firstly the iLOQ system enables the system’s users to manage it by themselves and, secondly, lost keys can be blacklisted and deleted from use.
‘Of course, it also helps that fitting the lock cylinders presents no problems,’ Mr Österberg adds.
The LM Engström high school is located in the centre of Got- henburg. It’s a private school with around 450 students and some 50 teachers and other staff. The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Education Foundation is behind the Christian-focus- ed high school which is within a historically noteworthy setting providing excellent facilities for modern education.
In practice managing the lock system is Mr Österberg’s responsibility and his experience so far have been very positive and have not brought any problems.