Flexible security for one of the largest aid organizations in Europe
Case Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe: Flexible security for one of the largest aid organizations in Europe
A flexible and cost-effective solution was a key requirement for Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe. It was also important to find a secure system where access rights could be easily verified and administrators could react quickly and efficiently if a key was lost.
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is a voluntary humanitarian organization and one of the largest relief enterprises in Europe. It has been active for over 60 years in various social and charitable fields and has more than 14,000 full-time employees and about 30,000 volunteers. Operating across Germany, the organization is divided into 9 national associations and approximately 300 regional and local associations.
Since 1992, around 189 volunteers and 289 full-time employees have been working for the needy in the Dresden regional association. Services include supporting day-care and social welfare centers, a daily club for senior citizens and a training center for first-aiders, providing a car and home emergency call service, a rescue service in Heidenau, a motorcycle squadron and civil protection, and maintaining the operation of emergency shelters.
iLOQ Sales Manager, Andreas Mäke, started cooperation with Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe in Dresden in 2015. Since then, iLOQ’s operations have also expanded into all areas of the national association.
iLOQ S10 was chosen to be the locking system for the organization’s numerous facilities in various locations in the Dresden region. A total of 170 iLOQ cylinders have been installed in a wide variety of premises and are controlling the security of, for example, main doors and apartment doors, electrical rooms, laundry rooms, meeting rooms for young people and carers and day-care centers. 481 iLOQ keys have been programmed with the customized access rights of the key holders.
A flexible and cost-effective solution was a key requirement for Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe. It was also important to find a secure system where access rights could be easily verified and administrators could react quickly and efficiently if a key was lost.
“We are pleased to have found such a competent and flexible partner with iLOQ and look forward to further cooperation in the future. The application possibilities are unlimited and are fully adaptable to the requirements of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe.”
Carsten Herde, Regional Executive, Johanniter–Unfall-Hilfe