Keeping our utilities and telecoms sectors running in challenging times

We are currently living in very challenging times. The coronavirus has impacted all aspects of our work and personal life.
Social distancing has forced us into isolation. This is causing major challenges to businesses, education establishments and to service providers.
Whether we’re working, home-schooling or simply sitting out the crisis from home, we are consuming, for example, more water and electricity. This is putting extra pressure on our utilities industries. The telecommunications and technology sectors are also being stretched to full capacity. Videoconferencing is helping to keep businesses afloat, news networks are vital to help governments spread accurate information about the current situation, and technology companies are being called on to help fight the pandemic.
All these sectors are trying to help with what matters most – keeping people safe and healthy while providing an efficient service. iLOQ is doing what it can to help these sectors continue to do just that.
A functioning, reliable utilities industry is essential for a smoothly running modern society at the best of times. It’s even more important in these trying times. Utility providers, such as power production and distribution companies, telecom network services, data centers, water treatment plants, property services and transportation services, regularly face the challenge of simultaneously managing numerous sites and vast numbers of locks.
With iLOQ S50, access rights to these locks are conveniently sent over the air to a smartphone running the iLOQ S50 app. This reduces the need to travel between administration offices and sites to update access rights and minimizes the human contact that we should be avoiding in these times.
Data centers are a vital part of our infrastructure and integral to the 5G network architecture. Efficient over-the-air access sharing also offers the high level of security that data centers demand. The security risks related to physical keys have been eliminated. iLOQ S50 helps them keep track of who has access to what with features like time-restricted access, instant granting and revoking of access rights and real-time audit trail reports. Security is underlined with a TLS-protected client-server communications encryption of sensitive data.
iLOQ’s slogan is ‘making life accessible’. Even with the restrictions placed on us at the moment, you can rest assured that iLOQ is working hard to keep our utilities and technologies sectors up and running to ensure the minimum negative impact on our lives.
We hope that one of the most challenging situations in a generation will soon pass and that we can get back to business as usual. Stay safe and well.