Everest Infrastructure Partners

Everest Infrastructure Partners pioneers iLOQ’s battery-free smart locks in telecom towers


Use environment







About the customer

Everest Infrastructure Partners owns and markets thousands of wireless infrastructure locations that help connect today’s rapidly evolving communications networks.

About the project

With a rapidly expanding portfolio of telecom towers, Everest Infrastructure Partners was looking for an access management solution that could deliver their customers the highest quality of service and protection.

The solution

iLOQ’s battery-free and keyless smart-lock solution provides Everest with an efficient and secure way to better protect their assets, obtain superior access intelligence at their sites, and provide enhanced ease of site access to their customers.

iLOQ’s lock acquires operating energy from the NFC field generated by a smart device to provide access. This innovation removes physical keys, batteries, and excess wiring from the solution, and ensures maximum security while assuming zero maintenance and minimizing ongoing costs.

How the everyday life of Everest Infrastructure Partners became easier

Security as a priority

iLOQ’s solution eliminates the risks involved with physical keys. Access logs help to prevent or solve instances of misuse.

Efficient access management

Access rights can be granted, updated and cancelled remotely and in real time to ensure only the right people have access.

Reliable operation and freedom from maintenance

With no batteries to replace, maintenance time and costs are removed. Reliable operation is guaranteed in all harsh environments, even during power cuts.

Lower lifecycle costs

By reducing the costs associated with replacing lost keys, locks and batteries, site managers can focus their resources on improving their core business and the customer experience.

We are delighted to partner with iLOQ to become the first US tower owner using battery-free smart locks.

Matt Newton

CEO, Everest Infrastructure Partners

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