Critical infrastructure
Whether you are a site owner, a locking system administrator, a member of staff or a technician in the field, iLOQ’s battery-free smart-locking solutions make your life smarter and more secure, sustainable and cost-effective.
iLOQ’s smart locks are quick and easy to install or retrofit. No batteries, cables or internet connection are needed. Enjoy keyless entry using your mobile phone.
Smart-locking services for

Logistics security and storage
Whether your focus is on transportation or on warehousing and storage facilities, it’s vital to ensure only the right people have access to the right places at the right times. iLOQ’s battery-free and keyless smart-locking solutions provide flexible and secure access.
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Our critical infrastructure customers

Caruna FI
Energy providers

BOS Construction Solutions US
Logistics and storage

FullFibre UK

Unifiber BE

Clever DK
Energy providers

Energienetze Bayern GmbH & Co. KG DE
Energy providers

Municipality of Leiden NL
Utility services

VolkerWessels Telecom Netwerk Solutions NL

Core Data Centres CA

De Stichtse Rijnlanden Water Board DE
Utility services
We get your worries
Lost keys
Staff or technicians frequently lose their keys.
iLOQ’s solution is keyless. Access rights are maintained on an app running on the user’s mobile phone.
Replacing cylinders
Door lock cylinders need replacing due to key issues.
Our solution does not need batteries or cables to run
Administrative fees
Regular fees need to be paid to locking partners/dealers to administrate and maintain keys and locks.
With iLOQ, locking system administrators create, update and block access rights remotely and in real-time.
Replacing existing old locking systems is costly.
iLOQ’s “plug & play” cylinders easily fit into existing doors. No drilling or wiring is needed.
Unauthorized access
What if an unauthorised person tries to get access?
You have real-time and remote control of who has access at all times. Access logs help prevent or solve instances of misuse.
Contact your local iLOQ expert for a free consultation