Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgenossenschaft Bottrop
iLOQ S10 contributes to a healthy and functional living space
Case Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgenossenschaft Bottrop: iLOQ S10 contributes to a healthy and functional living space
iLOQ S10 is a locking system which can be quickly expanded without inflicting major additional costs.
Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgenossenschaft Bottrop is a non-profit housing association based in Bottrop in west central Germany. The aim of the company is to provide healthy and functional living space in self-built or purchased houses to all sections of the population at favorable rents.
In 2018, Managing Director, Andreas Fest, took the decision to update the locking system for a selection of the properties in the housing association for a number of reasons.
“Due to the age of the existing locking system, a significant additional cost had to be paid when reordering keys, and the delivery time could be several weeks. This caused major difficulties, especially in an old people’s home, where it is vital to be able to provide a key for healthcare service providers or in an emergency situation,” explains Mr Fest.
Mr Fest wanted to find a locking system which could be quickly expanded and without inflicting major additional costs and found the ideal solution in the iLOQ S10 digital locking system.
He was impressed with the iLOQ S10 as no locks need to be replaced if a key is lost, since the existing lock can be easily reprogrammed by the housing cooperation’s administrators. And, during modernization of the apartments, keys can be programmed to grant access to construction workers for a limited period of time.
In 2018, iLOQ S10 was installed in a new building (11 apartments) and in the business premises of the cooperative. In 2019, a retirement home with 58 apartments was converted. Further residential complexes are already planned. To date, 193 cylinders have been installed and 365 keys are in circulation. It is planned to equip all apartments and technical rooms with the new locking system in the next few years.
“So far, all our requirements have been met. The battery-free operation of the system and quick reprogramming of keys by our own staff means we save costs and administration time,” concludes Mr Fest.