From the very beginning, the iLOQ story has been one of sustainable development. The company’s first technological innovation was to design and bring to market a digital access management solution that eliminated the need for batteries and extensive wiring. This resource efficiency ideology has always made sense from both a business and sustainable values perspective. From this foundation, iLOQ has developed its business into what it is today; iLOQ is a sustainable technology company providing digital cloud-based access management services around the world.
General principles of accountability management
iLOQ operates in accordance with responsible business practices and promotes responsible employee behavior through common rules and values, and by ensuring that all employees are committed to them. iLOQ’s Code of Conduct builds on the company’s Code of Ethics and Corporate Governance Principles, which define the ethical and responsible business practices of the company. iLOQ’s Code of Ethics includes the ten principles of the UN Global Compact initiative on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. All employees must comply with the company’s Code of Ethics in their daily work and in making business decisions. In addition to the Code of Ethics and Corporate Governance, there is a Code of Conduct covering
- Anti-bribery Manual
- Code of Conduct
- Competition Manual
- Corporate Compliance Program
- Data Protection Manual
- DEI Policy
- Information Security Policy
- External Privacy Policy
- Modern Slavery Act Statement
- Quality Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Sustainability Policy
- Sustainable Sourcing Policy
- Trade Compliance Manual
- Whistleblowing Policy
Compliance with the Code of Conduct is ensured through a range of controls, such as requiring all employees to complete compliance training. iLOQ’s mechanisms for seeking advice and raising critical concerns are included in the training material. iLOQ’s online Code of Conduct training is mandatory for all employees. The Code of Ethics, the Supplier Code of Ethics and iLOQ’s policies and practices are designed to detect misconduct and prevent improper or illegal activities. Suspected misconduct can be reported anonymously through internal or external reporting channels. iLOQ uses an external web-based reporting channel maintained by a third party.